Community Clean-up

It is time to gather the garbage, clean out the basement and scour the yard…

Community cleanup is here again! The Canyon Meadows Community Association is partnering with the City of Calgary Waste & Recycling Services & Community Standards to hold our annual cleanup day. On Saturday April 24th from 9:00am – 2:00pm, the City of Calgary Community Standards along with Waste & Recycling will have 2 packer trucks at the community center. One truck will be dedicated to collection of organics compostable yard material while the second truck will take all the household garbage that cannot fit into your bin.

Benefits of Membership
All residents can access the city garbage and organics trucks but if you want to drop off any additional items (see list below) you must have a current community membership. If you have a current community membership, you will be directed to the area on site where the following items will be accepted for responsible disposal or recycling. Please note the following items will NOT be placed in the city packer trucks:

  • Propane Tanks
  • Metals (plastic removed)
  • Household chemicals and used paint
  • Electronics
  • Tires
  • Secure paper shredding (2 file boxes/person)
  • Flattened cardboard & glass jars
  • Goodwill (donations of gently used household items only. No clothing please)

Hazardous Materials
This year, we will not be collecting any hazardous household materials. With the near total loss of rental revenue due to the COVID shutdown, the board has made the tough decision to scale back the on costs associated for this service.

Free Pick Up
As always, CMCA will provide a pickup service for senior members that are unable to haul their junk to the community. To request a pickup, please contact Bonnie in the office. Pickups are limited and you must have a current community membership.

All our awesome volunteers will be masked and gloved up for everyone’s safety.

Buy Your Memberships Beforehand
Memberships will be available for purchase on the website (HERE). To help limit contact, please make sure to purchase your membership before April 24th.

We ask that you remain in your vehicle and let the volunteers unload for you. Looking forward to another successful cleanup day!




The event is finished.

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