Cribbage Tournament

Calling all Crib enthusiasts!  Join us for an afternoon Crib Tournament, courtesy of the Canyon Meadows Community Association.

The tournament is for everyone (new & experienced players). It will consist of 7 games with a coffee/snack break after 4 games. There will be prizes for the top 3 individuals and other prizes as well. We will play partners, your partner will change throughout the afternoon so it is not necessary to bring one.

Free for CMCA members – $5 for non members (pay at the door)
Membership is only $25/family and $15/senior (our membership year runs from May 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022)

Please register using the link or email so we can ensure we have enough coffee, snacks, cribbage boards, etc!

The event is finished.

The Cribbage Tournament Player ticket sales has ended!


  1. Marion Jacobsen

    Have registered for cribbage. Now 3 friends who live in CM would also like to attend. That makes 4 of us

    • Anna Glickman

      Hi Marion, that’s wonderful. Please ask your friends to register online as well (or you can do it for them) so we have their name for the tournament. Cheers, Anna

  2. Jean Schulte

    I’d like to attend

    • Lindy Bowler

      We will sign you up Jean!

  3. Jean Schulte

    I’d like to register

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