CMCA 2020 Winterfest is a Wrap!

The 2020 Winterfest Festivities where a great success. Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and to all the peeps who came out. Hope you all had a good time!


• Snow spray paint
• Sled pull races
• 4 person cross country ski races
• Hockey puck scavenger hunt
• Raffle & prize for best decorated helmet
• Leisure skate pond
• Tobbaggan hill
• Hockey Skill Sessions

If you missed out make sure to look out for it next year!

Check out the image gallery below.

Along with the Hockey Skills Sessions and the Activities there was some Prizes to hand out. The winners were:

Prize #1 Smith Pezzente Team Movie & Dinner Night Out (Winner: Calynda E.)

Prize #2 Smith Pezzente Team Movie & Dinner Night Out (Winner Sarah W.)
Prize #3 Calgary Flames Package (Winner: Nicole J.)
Prize #4 Calgary Hitmen Package (Winner: Melissa M)
Prize #5 Kahlua & Assorted Chocolates (Winner: Tiffany A.)
Prize #6 Unicorn Squishmallow & Candy pack (Winner: Dylan W)
Prize $7 CMCA Winter Birthday Party Package *Ticket #894638 blue* – (Winner Sarah W.)
Prize #8 CMCA Summer Birthday Party Package (Winner: Jon P.)
Prize #9 Austin’s Bar & Grill $50 Gift Card (Winner: Calynda E.)
Prize #10 Canyon Creek Liquor Wine Basket  (Jen T.)

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