Community Member
of the Month
Gavin Bilton
June 2021
Gavin Bilton is our Canyon Meadows Community Member of the Month for June. Gavin and his family have been living in the community since 1995, and in that time, he has become a well-known face within his section of the neighborhood.
Nominated by his neighbor Dan, Gavin is valued highly on his street, and is known for his consistent generosity and kindness. His wife Carolynn jokes that he never has any idea where his tools are in the neighborhood, as he often lends them out to those in need.
Dan recalls well one particular afternoon when he was attempting a kitchen renovation and asked Gavin for a bit of advice. He responded with the proper tools for the job, a pair of coveralls, and a ready-to-go attitude, and 6 hours later the job was done! Gavin volunteered all afternoon to help his neighbor without so much as a second thought.
In the winter months, Gavin can be seen shoveling up and down the streets of his area, with the help of his fellow neighbors. He is often the first one out in the mornings after a large snowfall, and for those who are unable to clear their own sidewalks, he always makes sure their pathways are perfectly clean and proper. With his snow blower, he is a force to be reckoned with for any driveway or pathway along his street.
Gavin is a true handy man that is always willing to lend a hand if anybody needs anything. With experience in renovation, he is ready and willing to be of service for almost any kind of project and is happy to lend the required tools. Gavin is valued as a neighbor and friend throughout Canyon Meadows, and his generosity and good nature spreads throughout the entire community.
Article by Emma Brouwer, Grade 11 student at E.P. Scarlett High School