Thank you to these local businesses for partnering with us in 2025

Allkind Appliance Service Ltd.

For your home appliance servicing needs, call Peter @ 403-248-9582

Beitel Brothers Liquor

Located at 11625 Elbow Dr. SW

Canyon Meadows Auto Service

Located at 1071 Canyon Meadows Dr SW     Book an appt. online or call (403) 251-1778

Chamberlain Real Estate Group

Lindy Bowler, Realtor

Contact or 403-850-6641

Coldwell Banker Mountain Central

Wendy Kelman, Realtor

Contact or 403-975-6043

Electronic Innovation Inc.

Specializing in the design & manufacturing of electronics for heavy industrial machines

Isle Love Travel - Tasha Walsh

Click here to read our feature article

Tasha Walsh, Independent Destination Wedding & Honeymoon Specialist. Contact

Living Tai Chi

Classes, workshops or private sessions. 10% discount on your first session for CMCA members.


Making Copacetic Happen

Professional Organizer

Parkview Massage + Wellness

Massage, Acupuncture, Manual Osteopathy – $90 for 60 minute service with free membership

Read our feature article

Thornborough Smeltz LLP

Located at 11650 Elbow Dr. SW

Ukrainian Bakery & Coffee Shop

Located at 1049 Canyon Meadows Dr. SW.  Contact us a (587) 834-6745

Help Support Your Business – Help support your Community

To qualify for the Business Partnership Program, you must be a local business who owns and operates out of your home office or retail space within Canyon Meadows or the surrounding communities and be interested in supporting the CMCA Mission. Check out the benefits:

  • Identification as a ‘Member of the Business Partnership Program’ on our website, eScoop & social media, plus a feature in the eScoop upon joining
  • 10% discount for advertising on our Ice Rink Boards
  • The right to attend CMCA’s Annual General Meeting (this is not a membership and does not come with voting privileges’)
  • Invitation to partner at Canyon Meadows Events
  • A ‘CMCA Proud Supporter’ certificate to display in your business – special offers or discounts for CMCA members are at your discretion


  • An opportunity for you to support the Canyon Meadows Community and an opportunity for us to support a local business




What are some other ways to get involved? 


You can sponsor a community event, such as:

 Movie in the Park ~ Virtual Bingo ~ Seniors Coffee Hour ~ Winterfest

Or customize your own!  Our Events Coordinator would be happy to work with you to promote an event just for you.

How do I sign up?

1. Click on the link below to join our Business Partnership Program online.  Easy, fast & secure; we even offer an auto renew feature for your convenience.

2. Please ensure you include your BUSINESS NAME under the ‘Display Name’ section when creating your account.

3. Once you have registered, CMCA will reach out to you personally to discuss the best way of promoting your business and what you would like to include on your eScoop feature.

For all enquiries about the Business Partnership Program

please email us at

   Join Our Monthly e-Scoop Newsletter


403 251 1715



844-848 Cantabrian Drive SW 

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CMCA e-Scoop

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